A series of publications were prepared under H2020 BOND Project. One of them is the Regulatory Framework. In this publication constraints and good practices in different legal environments have been identified, with focus on a supportive legal and regulatory environment and the provisions of the specific regulation in the farming sector. Legal terminology and definitions have been studied in relation to the distinction between trading regulation, agricultural activity or civil operation, cooperative regulatory environment. Other cases reviewed under regulatory environments were the goods and services beyond production per se, and agricultural income taxation and social security regimes.
Here you can download the publication and below all Annexes in English.
Annex A – Farm Taxation
Annex B – List of Cooperative Laws
Annex C – CUMA
Annex D – Norwegian Cooperative Rules
Annex E – Cooperative BOND
Annex F – Competition law
Annex G – Hygienic Rules from Selected Countries
Annex H – Family Farm Legislations
Annex I – Survey Report on Potential Partners and Topics to Memorandum of Understanding
Annex J – Legal Questionnaire
Annex K – Cooperative Questionnaire
Regulatory Framework BOND publication and its Executive Summary are also available in several other languages. Visit BOND website: www.bondproject.eu

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774208.