A series of publications were prepared under H2020 BOND Project. One of them
Regulatory Framework and its annexes – BOND Project – New Solutions for Collective Action
2020. október 31., szombat
2020. október 31., szombat
A series of publications were prepared under H2020 BOND Project. One of them
2020. október 31., szombat
This action has collected principles, rules, supportive measures, of relevan
2020. október 31., szombat
2020. október 31., szombat
BOND produced a series of project-related publications to foster social capit
2020. október 31., szombat
This paper explores the potential of using playful and gameful approaches for
2020. október 31., szombat
Social capital is a key factor that concerns the ability of people to coopera
2020. október 31., szombat
BOND aspires to ‘bring organizations and network development to higher leve
2020. október 31., szombat
In order to tackle the mounting environmental, social and economic challenges
2019. április 20., szombat
Bringing Organisations & Network Development to higher levels in the Farm
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774208.
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