Bringing Organisations & Network Development to higher levels in the Farming sector in Europe
BOND’s objective is to directly contribute to unleash, strengthen and organise the great potential for collective action and networking of individuals, groups and entities of farmers and land managers in selected countries across Europe, with a view to creating strong, dynamic and effective organisations that have a voice and a place in policy design. Through the benefits of working with others, extending interactions with multiple actors, the project will help foster human wellbeing, the management of landscapes, agricultural growth and a vigorous social capital throughout Europe.
BOND progresses through a series of incremental and complementary steps. Following a mobilisation of end-users and the selection of direct beneficiaries, activities focus on alternating learnings (solutions, constraints, regulations etc) and interactions in various events (interregional forum, national workshops, regional policy roundtables, youth forum), every time accompanied by specific training sessions to fill knowledge gaps. The events become each time more specific and bring actors toward increasingly concrete action, to provide tangible results in the forms of action plans, strategies, formal and collaborative agreements, etc, that can be implemented in the local context.
Project partners:
AMPI | Asociace Mistnich Potravinovych Iniciativ, o.p.s.
Czech Republic
FAO | Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
SL | Sindicato Labrego Galego – Comisions Labregas
CUMA | Federation Nationale de Cuma
SIE | Spoleczny Instytut Ekologiczny
KLT | National Union for Representing the Interests of Small-scale Farmers – Kisleptek Egyesulet
VDG | Vedegylet Egyesulet – Protect the Future
COAGCV | Coordinadora de Agricultores y Ganaderos de la Comunitdad Valenciana
NAC | Norwegian Agricultural Cooperatives
LWA | Land Workers’ Alliance
ProEntranse | AO Entrepreneurship Training & Services, ProEntranse
WU | Wageningen University
The Netherlands
In order to find more information, please check the project website: https://www.bondproject.eu