The thematic studies of the working groups of the BIOEASTsUP H2020 project contribute significantly to macro-regional development and provide an important contribution to the forthcoming BIOEAST SRIA (Strategic Research Innovation Agenda). Of these, study #3 on the topic of food systems is particularly interesting: “Prospects of smallholder production in the BIOEAST countries and local food systems of an alternative future”. The study can be downloaded in English from the BIOEAST website and HERE. The leporello prepared from the Study can be downloaded HERE.
The study also names the following: “Ten important identified key driving forces for the development of the local food system in the BIOEAST region” (Zsófia Benedek, Katalin Kujáni, Agnes Major, Judith Molnár, Ladislav Pilar, Jana Pitrova, Agnes Fricz Szegedyné and Viktória Szente (Kisléptek Association) 2022) The study includes the projects implemented with the participation of the Small Scale Association and their results: H2020 BOND, H2020 SMARTCHAIN, RURALF.
The key activities of the BIOEAST Initiative are the development of ministerial-level intergovernmental joint statements, the joint research and innovation agenda, resolutions and strategic policy advice.
The specific studies are the following:
#1 sustainable yields and agroecology: „Socio-ecological indicators of agroecology-systems in the BIOEAST countries”,
#2 bioeconomy education: „Bioeconomy education in the BIOEAST countries”,
#3 food systems: „Outlook on small farming production in BIOEAST countries and local food systems of alternative futures”,
#4 forestry: „Exploring areas with high agroforestry potential in BIOEAST countries”,
#5 freshwater based bioeconomy: „Surface waters maintaining at least good water quality and biodiversity”,
#6 bioenergy and new value added materials: „Anaerobic digestion for renewable energy, carbon sink and organic fertilizers as an integral part of bioeconomy development”,
#7 advanced bio-based materials: „Bio-based materials in Europe: stakeholder mapping, projects & private sector dynamics, policy analysis & recommendations”.