A workshop was organised for small scale farmers and advisors by Kislépték Association and the Chamber of Agriculture in Kaposvár. The aim of the event, taking place in the University of Kaposvár, was to collect innovative ideas from the local farmers and to give them advice.
-It would be great if we could prosper locally – said Tibor Vrancsik, chairman of “Local goods of Somogy” Association – Local goods should be as popular in the village they were made, as in the next village where we usually sell them.
– Local mayors should be encouraged to give spaces for local farmers to sell on events organised by the village. Not just cotton candy stands.
Some small scale famer think shopping locally should be encouraged because locally sourced goods are healthier than the ones bought in a supermarket.
As in Austria, Hungary should implement a trademark that grades small scale farmers products. Those products, qualifying for this trademark are adhere to all health guidelines and are consumable for all. According to Katalin Kujáni, Project manager of Kislépték Assocation, these ideas are necessary for small scale farmers to thrive.
Kislépték is a part of a project called H2020 SmartChain founded by the European Commission. This workshop was within this project. This project’s aim to collect technics and god practises from all over its members. The project will be supporting small scale farmers all over Europe.