We were at Gyüttment Festival

2020. May 10., Sunday

August 27, 2018The 2018 Gyüttment Festival was organised in the spirit of cooperation in Zebegény. Our Photo Album may accessed at Kislépték Facebook .
The host of the Community Kitchen Space was Kislépték and organised their programs as to foster the knowledge transfer of the visitors, encourage domestic and international cooperation so to strengthen networking. MORE HERE
At the place of Community Kitchen Space visitors got i
formation from members of Kislépték on possibilities and form of co-operations, on Short Food Supply Chains, on the BOND Study Tours experiences from Friday till Sunday.We operated the legal advisory service this year as well providing information with wide rage. Most popular questions were from use of land rules and the conditions how to work as household farming or licenced small farmer.


Many were attracted by the bier brewing course and the cheese making course where the proper and real making procedures could be discussed. There were prepared ginger bread and smoothie and bread. The herb-pool of Association of the Village Farm Catering Providers was very popular.Dunakanyar-Pilis Social Cooperative brought the products of their members and prepared babóca style bean soup al la Szentendre on open fire.

Kislépték also participated on the LEGO workshop organised by Védegylet. This method is really a good play and tool to community development and fostering cooperation.
The Festival successfully targeted young people or families moving (or planning to move) to the country side. There were many good worskop and presentation organised on farming and the yurt university provided several technical and practical  information.
The programmes of the Community Kitchen is supported by the EU H2020 BOND Project (Bringing Organisations & Network Development to higher levels in the farming sector in Europe ) and with the operation of Kislépték Association. Our aim is to create networks which enables transferring knowledge and create strong work together.