BOND Memoranda of Understanding supporting farmers has been concluded by eight countries mentored by Kislépték Association

2020. December 28., Monday

On the political round-table special gamification technics developed by BOND provided the common ground for agreements, cooperation and alliances to be made. The outcome was the drafting of specific agreements in the form of eight ‘Memoranda of Understanding’ for collective action in specific fields, to be implemented during and after project completion. Memoranda have been agreed upon between farmer/land manager groups, other key stakeholders and policy-makers. The development of eight MoUs was mentored by Kislépték Association. The MoUs are available to download. The MoUs are available to download HERE

The objectives of the Hungarian MoU is on social economy. You may read more HERE.

The creation of 8 MoUs was mentored by the Small-Scale Association. The story of mentoring was captured in a small cartoon. The cartoon was drawn and made by Dr. Ágnes Major and Mihály Pávó.

Youtoube link clikk HERE

The document only reflects the view of the Author; the Agency and Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
This article was made in the BOND project which is being founded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme’s number 774208 support contract.

Although BOND aimed to deliver 8 Memoranda of Understanding, a total of 13 have been signed.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774208.