The 2nd Summer School took place in Barcelona between 22-24 May 2024.
The event started with a project assignment, which was added to the programme afterwards. This task was related to a specific action plan of the 6 knowledge partner organisations (in Hungary Pannon Local Product Nonprofit Ltd.) and their co-organisations (in Hungary Kislépték Egyesület). These were presented in about 10 minutes and then discussed in 2 sessions.
After lunch, the Summer University programme began, with the main aim of mutual learning, common language and concepts, with a focus on:
- thinking in complex food systems and future planning,
- good practices in food systems prediction,
- applying a food systems approach to CDI activities
- rethinking forecasting methods in relation to the action plan for CDI activities.

New methods and approaches to forecasting such as Mental Time Travel and the tetralemma exercise were used in the workshop.
Each professional organisation has prepared its own BATWAVE review, as well as backward planning (BACKCASTING). The Hungarian team was given a special session for its workshop in April and presented its results as a sample, which was appreciated by all participants.
At the end of the workshop, we collectively discussed the results of the three days and agreed that the next Summer University will take place in Hungary, but the exact location is still under discussion.
Source of photos: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fosterfoodsystem/