Fresh news update from the EU4Advice project

2024. September 15., Sunday

Multi-actor Network to Boost Short Food Supply Chains Across Europe

EU4Advice at the Cross Living Lab event!

From July 1st to July 3rd, the Cross Living Lab event, hosted by Amped and presented by Maarten Klop, gathered experts and stakeholders to collaborate on innovative urban and food solutions. The event fostered dynamic discussions, knowledge sharing, and creative approaches to addressing challenges in urban food systems, emphasizing sustainability and community-driven practices.

The Living Labs Series

During the Cross Living Lab event, we had the opportunity to interview the leaders of the Living Labs to learn how they began working in local food systems and the motivations behind their involvement. Watch the interviews!

Network News

The COREnet Experience at the EU4Advice Cross Living Labs Event in the Netherlands ?

During the Cross Living Lab event, we welcomed members from our sister project CORENET.

Eva Jennings and Jan Willem van der Schans, representatives of COREnet, attended the EU4Advice Cross Living Lab event in the Netherlands.

The COREnet project addresses the fragmented landscape of knowledge in food systems and the lack of clarity surrounding essential skills and competencies across all phases, from farm to fork. The project focuses on supporting the systematic development of more effective Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) advising. By bringing together public, private, and civic advisors, CoreNET fosters IT-enabled peer-to-peer learning and mutual support to strengthen collaboration and improve SFSC practices across Europe.

Collaboration is key


During the summer, EU4Advice had the privilege of participating in a collaborative meeting with several Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects, all of which are members of the Sustainable Food System Innovation Platform.


This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101059911. It reflects only the authors’ views. The Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.