The small-scale level rules of trading with wine and distillation
Place: Moha Ház/Moha House, Budapest (1143 Budapest, Gizella út 42-44.)
Date: March 6, 2015
Kislépték/National Union for Representing the Interests of Small-scale Farmers cordially invites all wine and spirit makers and those who desire to produce, as well as those who are interested in rural and social development or expert
Our workshop tries to give practical answers within the legal jungle of wine & spirit making and trading for small scale farmers. Our tax adviser introduces to the world of wine and spirit excise tax. We explain the rules of selling wine and spirit at farmhouse and within agrotourismo services. What are the registration documents of alcohol making and selling. What rules apply if social cooperative wants to run a winery. How to employ temporarily. What should you know about of the thematic subprogram of Short Food Supply chain? Learn more about modern wine making technologies. Wine making and waste management. And more.
In the case of interest we are pleased to organise this workshop at other venues.
In the absence of any support we have to charge participation fee on the workshop.
More details in Hungarian: http://kisleptek.hu/bor_parlat_potnap/ or HERE