OnSeptember 26, 2015 the Award of the Supportive Official Professional was handedover within the event of OMÉK (National Fair on Agriculture and Food, which washeld between September 23-27, 2015 in Budapest) at the exhibiting pavilion ofthe Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture.
It wasdecided on the April, 2015 General Assembly of National Union for Representing theInterests of Small-scale Farmers to found an award to recognise the supportingworks of the officiers and their positiv attitude towards those who are themost needy, living in the most colourful segment of activity, the small-scalefarmers, family farms, operators of village farm catering, agrotourism serviceproviders. Any of these groups and also those civil organisations which supporttheir work and also affected community may nominate for the award.
Suchsmall and family farms who feel like to enter into business production orservices still ready to work for the sustainable, environmental friendly,self-governed development of their family. They are not supported a team oflabour, HR, marketing team however they must know all related regulations whenthey are doing their daily activity.
Since2010, when the small scale trading decree came into force which allowed totrade in small quantity with a lighter hygienic rules many small producer,village farm catering provider came to be active and the local farmers’ markethas its renaissance.
Accordingto the information of Nébih [National Food Chain Safety Office] the number ofthe registered small-scale trader are 8.486 as of July 31, 2013 of which thenumber of the village farm catering providers are: in 2010: 10 persons/ in 2011; 90 persons / in 2012; 162 persons / in 2013: 298 persons / in 2014 by the end of the 3rdquarter: 349 persons.
As toachieve this nice result it was necessary that local and professional authorityopened space within the principle of flexible ruling to the venturous people.Thesupportive official professional has to balance on a thin ice in order to beable to help his/her local people with enough humanity, knowledge of humannature, public spirit. If necessary also to deal with colleagues with accurateprofessionality as to clarify mis-interpretation and disclose hiddenpotentials.
Suchsupportive official professional activities, upon feedbacks, are alsoincreasing.
Theflexible and tradition respecting approach of the supportive officialprofessional does not endanger food security but in many case they enforcelegal regulations with lifelike interpretation within the sometimescontradictory frame of legal regulations, not over-securing (ultimatelyover-tightening) the EU supported principle of tradition and flexibility.
It isnot an aim to avoid legal regulations but it is an am to filter those who abuseconsumer demand and those who effectively endanger consumers and further it isa basic aim to open space for methods already proved its security withintradition and not to burden small scale farmers and producers into unnecessaryinvestments and credit trap. The aim is to ensure a socially and economically(as well as from taxation aspects) sustainable living in rural area.
Awards were handed over by GergelyPapp Deputy Professional Chief Director of the Hungarian Chamber ofAgriculture (the supporter of the award), DrLajos Bognár, Deputy State Secretary Responsible for Supervising Food Chainat the Ministry of Agriculture and DrMárton Oravecz the president of the National Food Chain Safety Office aswell Andrea Szabadkai President ofKislépték Association, the founder of the award.

Dr Linda Járosi
Usedto work as an official (district) chief veterinarian at Food Chain Security andAnimal Health Department of Vác Region at Pest County Government Office between2006-2015 July. Presently she is working as a epidemiological referent on theSupply Chain Supervision Main Department of the Agricultural Ministry.
Appraisement: she demanded always to comply with the regulations (legal,bee-keeping, fire and work protection) from the apiarian health clerks and alsofrom the apiarists, for example when an apiarian health quarantine was ordered withinthe territory of the settlements of Csomád, Vácújkisfalu and Õrbottyán (when fiveof the six sick apiculture has to be completely burned). But she proved herhumanity and animal loving is all cases. It is an additional sign of herdedication for bees and apiarists that she even made a special training forapiarist workman and visited several apiarists as to obtain practice retaled tothis profession. Based upon her widerange of knowledge she was able to pass valid decision in apiarian matters.
Dr György Barátossy
Officialveterinarian in Káli Basin at Food Chain Security and Animal Health Departmentof Tapolca District at Veszprém County Government Office.
Appraisement: he helps starter small-scale farmers and small-scale farmersalready in trading , if they need provide assistance always what permissionshave to be obtained, what are the material conditions to carry on the scale-scalefarming activity. He provides information in the un-trodden path of the innovativeproducts seeking to find the possible solutions. May high value added products,in so far, are traded with nice success providing living for the farmer whichwas produced with his assistance in the region. He has three children and he also farming.
Dr Péter OrbánOfficial veterinarianat the city of Komló in BaranyaCounty.
Appraisement: already when hehad the position of main official veterinarian and deputy director at Food Chain Security andAnimal Health Directorate at Baranya County Government Office, and now as heworks as official veterinarian helped to find the way the village farm cateringservice providers who were lost in the labyrinth of the law both professionallyand humanly. Many small village farmcatering providers in the region are thanking his investigation for finding lifelikelegal solutions as well as keeping the requirement of food security whichensured that they may stay in their village and may conduct supplementary activitiesor simply living from these activities
Dr József Török
Official veterinarian in the district of VI and VIII inBudapest at the Food Chain Security and Animal Health Department of Érd Region atPest County Government Office.
Appraisement: he was at help for many civil and non-profit research as Budapeston-site office clerk to discover legal requirements and disclose possibilitiesby assisting with practical examples and to map the weak points. He contributedstarting many local farmers’ market for example taking a lion’s share in successfullyopening the Szimpla Garden Farmers Market (link ).Presently he participates in the English lecturing course of the Veterinarian Universityand teaching foreign student food hygiene in their 11th semester
The award is the work of Éva Ament fold furniturepainter. The motive of the tree of life isalso a symbol of the work of the SupportiveOfficial Professional of when from life new and new life originates, when ruralpeople become value makers and able to successfully proposer.