November 9, 2018. – Veresegyház, Hungary
The fundamental aim of Smartchain project (Horizont 2020, the EU research and development innovation project) to elaborate proposals for the innovative development of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC). There are participating SFSC experts from 9 countries and two organisation with good experience and practices in SFSC from these counties. The Hungarian experts are Campden Bri and Kislépték while Zala Termálvölgye és Foodhub are the good practice holders. The participants of the workshop were the Hungarian SFCS actors and experts who discussed the following topics:
– creation of the Hungarian SFSC HUB;
– identifying and inviting the major SFSC stakeholders to the Hungarian SFSC HUB;
– collecting innovative questions and needs in relation to SFSC;
– validation of the research methods of SmartChain.