March 27-28, 2015
An international forum was held on „Legal Ruling of Plan Seed in the EU and Hungary, state of play and the future prospective ” in Budapest organised by ESSRG, Magház Közösségi Hálózat, Bese Természetvédelmi Egyesület within LEONARDO GROW tender where Kislépték also participated.
Iga Niznik, Arche Noah, Austria held a very interesting lecture on the various European countries legal regulations on seeds. She explained that EU rules determine lighter rules, compared to Hungary, specially assisting Member States with derogation rules in order to preserve the traditional seed varieties. More on www.arche-noah.at
At the forum we learned some good examples which accommodate seed rules within its legal environment. This was Latvia which has a such good precedent which should be followed by other Members States.. Since traditional seeds are hardly able to comply with the modern qualification system since one type has so many varieties so Latvia introduced the motion of TYPE collection within their legal system. This is an open end list in order to register all potential future varieties.