August 30, 2014
We receive the respond form the National Economic Ministry on the sale of household surplus. Possibly once we got respond from the National Tax Authority and National Food Chain Safety Office we will have a wider understanding.Earlier having met family farmers in Croatian and Serbian civil meeting we learned that these countries allow the sale of household surplus providing tax exemption with a fair limit, especially in Croatia where the limit is 60.000 euro (!). These sale are legal despite neither receipt has to issue nor necessary to register. Our international partner, Arche Noah from Austria also mentioned they have similar system with 100.000 euro limit. In Hungary the problem is that a household size of “farm” is very diverse there are several small portion of production of different apples, some chicken with some eggs, so little nanny one or twice in fortnight go to the local market and her sale would not exceed HUF 600.000 (2000 euro).
Detailed question in Hungarian at
Ministry respond: