On September 28-29, 2015 we visited the settlement of Podkylava (Szakadék), where the meeting of the Slovak National Committee was held.
Andrea Szabadkai, president of Kislépték/National Union for Representing the Interests of Small-scale Farmers, the organisation undertakin the koordinating works of the IYFF +10 Hungarian National Committee introduced Kislépték’s works in so far, in relation for the small-scal, family farming production facilitation. We presneted the wide-range civil collaboration wher 53 civil organisations and more than 100 members participated in the past years and thankss to their effortd number of lighter rules came into force for the cmall-scal and family farmers. Among these achieveents are the small-scale farmers decree and the local farmers’ market regulation, which made opossible to operate under lighter hyginie regulations. We discussed about the matter of the cross-border smalll-scale trade, since the Slovak small-scale farmers would be such parters whom could be easily be establsih international farmers market xlose to the border. Among the good practices, we demonstrated to the Hungarian Government administration we highlighted the joint sale point proposal, which would accommodate farmers to operate a joint sale point by preserving their taxation status. We emphasised that our results are based to our persistent work related to the potentional if the European Union law which allows specification upon tradition and felxibililty which we unfolded and presented to Hungarian Government.
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