March 7, 2014
Bertalan Kemény was a calm and consequent settlement developer, who actively promoted the building local community and human relations.The intention of founding the “Kemény Bertalan Price for Settlement Development” to morally acknowledge those who work as settlement administrator providing the best their knowledge without official hour limitation with great patience and devotion and serve their settlement. The price is also for those committed rural development professionals and community developers who work for their locally or nationwide to make a bridge between the centrum and periphery, who regards as their basic work to make discussion and conversation and to have mindful connection making between local people and experts, between practice and theory.
More details (in Hungarian) on a www.alsomocsolad.hu and www.falufejlesztesitarsasag.hu.
One of the feed in 2014 is ANDREA SZABADKAI, president of National Union for Representing the Interests of Small-scale Farmers, members of the presidency of Alliance for Living Tisza.