General Assembly – INVITATION

2020. May 10., Sunday

Dear Members, dear Reader!

I am cordially inviting to the ordinary General Assembly of National Union for Representing the Interests of Small-scale Farmers.

Date and time: April 11, 2015 (Saturday) starting 10:30 a-m.

Place of the venue: Kujáni Tanya (Kecskemét, Talfája 139.)



10:30-12:00Welcome speech – Andrea Szabadkai, president

Report on our 2014 activity

International contacts of the association

Report on the legislative work of the Joint Sale Point Works, Dr. Katalin Kujáni

IYFF+10, Dr. Ágnes Major, Ildikó Baranyi

Achievements on our local Interest Representation

Financial Report

12:00-12:40Lunch Break (self-finance) – paprika potatoes, pancake, coffee and mineral water

12:40-17:00Discussing the strategy for 2015

Plans for tenders (EIP,REL), Dr. Katalin Kujáni

Interest representation works, Andrea Szabadkai

Partnerships Andrea Szabaskai, Andrea Szalay-Zala

Proposals for tenders, interest representation works, partnership, joining to Kislépték, Kislépték membership

Voting on the above matters

16:40-16:50Coffee break

16:50-17:00Revise founding document, voting on necessary amendments as of new Civil Code

Discuss on internal rules

Voting on internal rules

Introducing new membership nominees

Voting on new members

Other matters, membership fee payments


General Assembly has the quorum if 50 % + 1 members is present. In the case General Meeting does not have quorum the repeated General Meeting is held at 11.15 a.m. on April 11, 2015.
Please register by April 8, 2015 and reserve for lunch. Form to be filled. DOWNLOAD.Please return registration to or by telephone to: 36 30 786-8718

Andrea Szabadkai
