Forum on Agro TourismKislépték together with the Alliance of Hungarian Villages and Association of Hungarian Rural and Agro Tourism organises a Forum and Workshop on how to organise and manage agro tourism services with catering
Date: April 15, 2015
Venue: Szentkirály, Gárdonyi Géza Cultural House (6031 Szentkirály, Kossuth L. u. 16)
Participation fee: 2.000 HUF (free for the citizens of Szentkirály)
9:15-9:45 registration9:45 Welcome speech of Gellért Szabó mayor, president of the Alliance of Hungarian Villages
10:00 Andrea Szabadkai, president of KISLÉPTÉK elnöke Agro tourism catering serviceswho may conduct agro tourism services, what products may be sold administration, taxation, hygiene and infrastructure rules, labour law
11:50 question and answers
12:15 local lunch from Szentkirály kitchen (self-financing)
13:00 Andrea Zala, secretary of Association of Hungarian Rural and Agro Tourism, member of the presidency of Kisléptékagro tourism accommodation Kialakítás, mûködtetési követelmények, how to establish, to register, administrative requirements, cash-machine rules, qualificationintroducing good practices
14:30 questions and answers
14:50 coffee break
15:10-15:30Andrea Zala, network development manager of Vidékjáró Kft. payment with bank or credit card, payment using QR code
15:30-16:00 ………………………………….. expert from NÉBIH (under request)Home Restaurantshow to establish, operational rules, registration
16:00-16:20 Mária Gergely, president of the Association of the Rural Catering Services report on the lobbying activities regarding to the agro tourism rules with Ministry of National Economy.
16:20 question and answers
16:45 closing
Lunch and coffe: HUF 1000 Ft
Our Supporters:Municipality of Szentkirály, Vidékjáró Kft.
www.szentkiraly.hu , www.videkjaro.hu