November, 2017
Kisléptékis Member to H20202 BOND Project Consortium
ProjectName: Bringing Organisations And Network Development To Higher Levels In TheFarming Sector In Europe – BOND
Foundedunder: H2020-RUR-2017-1
ProjectID: 774208
Theaim of this project is to reach higher levels of organisation and networking,and develop a healthier, and more productive and harmonious farming sector inEurope for the long term. This will be achieved through (i) drawing upsolutions from case studies and success stories and building bonding capitalwithin farmer and land manager groups, ensuring cohesiveness and trust amongpeople; (ii) enabling different organizations to come closer together, buildingbridging capital to form larger networks; and (iii) building linking capital,developing ties with entities with different interests and powers, to reach astronger position in decision-making.

BONDacknowledges the fundamental role farmers and land managers play in theenvironmental and economic sustainability of the farming sector in Europe, aswell as the importance of the way they organise, on Europe’s foods andlandscapes.
BONDcontributes to unleash, strengthen, and organise, the great potential forcollective action and networking of individuals, groups and entities of farmersand land managers, focusing on countries with lower organisation levels, with aview to creating strong, dynamic and effective organizations that have a voiceand a place in policy design.
Morespecifically, BOND investigates and addresses the constraints anddisincentives, and reaches a higher level of participation of farmers asfollows:
Drawup solutions and build bonding capital within groups, ensuring cohesiveness andtrust among people;
Enableorganizations to come closer, building bridging capital to form largernetworks, help overcome attitudes and constraints that impede collectiveaction;
Buildlinking capital, developing ties with entities with different interests andpowers, including government, donors, academia, private sector, to reach astronger position in decision-making, and
Engagemulti actors and policy makers throughout these processes.
BOND’sapproach relies on 3 pillars: SEE-learning from success (mobilisation, studytours), LEARN-overcoming constraints (self-analysis, capacity building),TELL-affirming a position in the policy landscape (gaming interface, bestpractice in regulation, lab experiment), and on involving the youth, women andmen (designing a road map for the future), with training sessions and meetingevents at every step of the project (interregional forum, national workshops,regional policy roundtables, youth forum).
BOND’slegacy will be a menu a la carte of practical processes, user-friendly, withmethods and tools to guide end-users when they decide to engage and benefitfrom the synergies of working with others.
Tasksof Kislépték in the Project:
Kisléptékwill organise the beneficiaries who will participate the study tours ofintroducing the good practices of cooperation, partnership and networking.
CollectingHungarian good practices for cooperation and networking.
Organisinga national workshop to discuss and understand the supportive and constrainingelements of cooperation and networking by using capacity building methods inthree main areas:
-sustainable farming,
– access to markets,
-environmental sustainability.
Weare task leaders in analysing regulatory frameworks in different countries toidentify key constraints and good practices
It isour task to facilitate and coach to achieve a Memorandum of Understanding forcollective action in specific fields, to be implemented during and afterproject completion among the different stakeholders of the farming sector.
Projectcoordinator: Coventry University
Membersof the consortium: 17 organisations from 15 countries
Foodand Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Universidad de Cordoba(Spain), Wageningen University (Netherlands), Asociata Obsteasca PRoentranse(Republic of Moldova), Confederacao Nacional da Agricultura (Portugal), TheLand Worker Alliance (UK), Asociatia EcoRuralis (Romania), Norsk Landbrukssamvirke (Norway), Coordinadora deAgricultores y Ganaderos de la Communidad Valenciana (Spain), Sindicato LabregoGallego (Spain), Vedegylet Egyesulet (Hungary), Kislepteku (Hungary), SpolecznyInstytut (Poland), Asociace Misnigh Potravinovych (Czech Republic), FederationNationale des Cooperatives d’Utilisation de Materiel Agricole (France),Associazione Nazionale Cooperative agroitticoalimentari (Italy).
Moredetails on the homepage of Coventry University and of H2020 homepage