January 15-18, 2016
Upon the proposal of Friends of Earth Hungary Kislépték, which undertakes representing the interest of small-scale famers and family farming, was honoured to participate together with Association of Conscious Consumers at a meeting organised by Friends of the Earth Europe in Berlin between January 15-18, 2015 together with various European and national food and farming campaigners, alliances and platforms. The aim of the meeting was to share inspiration, ideas and good practice on how to contribute to a vibrant, effective and active food movement in Europe. In addition the meeting aimed to develop ideas for building strong, diverse and interconnected pan-European campaigns on food and farming. The discussions were part of the FoEE EU-funded Schools of Sustainability programme.
The specific objectives of the meeting
to get a broader understanding of the way how different approaches and movements across Europe fit together in the push for an alternative food system and can challenge the power of industrial farming;
how to distribute and share information, effective strategy samples and good practices;
what the needs are at national level, and what is to be initiated at Brussel level.
These are the areas where the common work should be started:
▪Land access
▪EU policies
▪Concentration of farming (big agri V small/family agri)
▪Food value/price
▪carbon emission
Presently these platforms are already working some of the above matters:
Access to Land: originated from France, taking land out of the market for agroecology. European network started in 2011, 20 organisations in 10 countries. Aims to inform public and policy makers about issue. (read more)
In TTIP matter the Planned European Citizen Initiative (read more)
At the Brussels level, Sustainable Food and Farming Platform recently formed to focus on bringing a wide range of NGOs together on EU food and farming policies. (read more)
Milan Urban Food Policy Pact was launched in 2015, which could be a way to implement and politicise food sovereignty at the local level with European cities. (read more)
The discussion was focusing on what was missing from the current food and farming movement, where we fail, where we need to be better.
The parties agreed that the dialogue has to be continued since this matter has a very high importance.
We shall prove continuous information.