In 2024, the Short Food Supply Chain Expo will be held for the third time, co-organised by Kislépték Egyesület, the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture and the Hungarian National Rural Network.
The Expo is hosting the national project event of CO-FRESH Horizon 2020 project.
The CO-FRESH project aims to provide techniques, tools and insights on how to make agri-food value chains more environmentally sustainable, socio-economically balanced and economically competitive. The project will implement technological and non-technological innovations in several pilots of agri-food value chains (Pilot Cases included in the CO-FRESH consortium), to test how the combination of technological and non-technological (i.e. organisational) innovations at several levels and steps (from farmer to the food-processing to consumer) can improve environmental and socio-economic benefits impact in terms of sustainability.
The project came to its end and we are going to show to the national audience the outcomes and the lessons learnt during the nearly 4 years in the project.
Different international partners in the project will attend and provide presentations on their own activities, good practices and on the project in overall.
The whole programme can be checked here:

Date: 29 February 2024 (Thursday), 9:00-17:00
Location: AERO Hotel, Jakabszállás Repülőtér, Jakabszállás, II. körzet tanya 12, 6078
What does the III. SFSC EXPO offer?
- A meeting and discussion point for small producers, craftspeople, providers of village guest table, and for experts on rural tourism and rural development;
- Innovative ways of learning about available REL tools and equipment as well as services for processing, packaging, logistics and marketing of food and craft products;
- A range of services and models dedicated to the needs of diverse and small-scale producers and entrepreneurs;
- Machine samples from automatic producers, small-scale meat, dairy and fruit processors, as well as services of webshop operators;
- Consultation with experts from the authorities in case of individual issues, organic production, processing, packaging, catering, marketing, accommodation;
- Learning about international good practices;
- Assistance from French trademark and branding experts;
- Presentation of REL groups, REL communities;
- Presentation of organisations promoting agrotourism;
- Opportunities to develop the value chain of extracted honey and honey products;
- Guided exhibitor tours with question and answer sessions.
The first REL EXPO focused on innovative tools and methods, while the second expo focused on crisis resilience and resilience opportunities, and the mushroom value chain.
In 2024, the focus will be on supply chain collaborations and honey and honey products.
The presentation of domestic honey varieties is important for consumer information and encourages the production of high-quality farm-grown honey and contributes to increasing the quantity of honey consumed in Hungary.
In addition, there will be a discussion on AM Decree 60/2023 on the hygiene conditions for small-scale, local, and marginal food production and sales, published on 15 November 2023, which contains the current regulations affecting small-scale producers and opens new opportunities for small-scale processing and easier market access.
In response to the current challenges, SFSC EXPO will focus on high quality, innovative foods produced by Hungarian farmers, with traditional flavours that meet current consumer expectations.
It aims to provide examples and good practices for REL stakeholders (producers, market organisers, rural developers, cooperatives, suppliers, consultants, restaurants and traders using local products, municipalities, LEADER organisations, gardeners).
Programme (the whole programme can be downloaded from here)

Participation in the event is free for visitors, but registration is required!
Visitor registration is possible by filling in the form below:
Exhibitors are charged for participating in the event and requires registration!
Exhibitor registration deadline: 15 February 2024!
Exhibitor registration is possible by filling in the form below:
The final amount of the registration fee will be calculated at the time of exhibitor registration, according to the space requirements and taking into account partner and member discounts.
Outdoor exhibition space will be allocated by individual arrangement.
This means the size of a table (75×180 cm) and the associated space, for a total of 2.5 m2 of exhibition area.
The list of exhibitors will be published on the website http://kisleptek.hu/ and will also be included in the printed exhibitor brochure.
Exhibitor fees:
- For companies, enterprises, governmental bodies, cooperatives, producers: gross 20.000 HUF /table place indoors, (gross 20.000 HUF /exhibitor outdoors)
- For producer cooperatives, non-profit organizations, social cooperatives, members of the Hungarian Social Farm Association, educational – research institutions, municipalities, chambers, members of the Social Enterprises Coalition, indoor gross 7.500 HUF/table place, (outdoor gross 7.500 HUF/exhibitor)
- For governmental bodies, authorities providing consultation – FREE
- For Kislépték egyesületi members – who have paid the 2023 membership fee in 2023 – FREE
The organisers reserve the right to close visitor and exhibitor registration earlier once the available space on site has been filled.
Further details can be found on our website: http://kisleptek.hu/
For further information, please contact rendezveny@kisleptek.hu!
By registering, you accept the processing of the data provided during registration, which you can read more about here.
By participating, you agree that the event is open to the press and that participants will be photographed and audio-recorded and will be published on various media platforms.
Participation in the event is free of charge. We welcome your support to be able to continue our work to a high standard and to organise events of similar professional quality in the future. If you would like to support our work, you can do so by transferring money to the following account number:
(ERSTE) 11600006-00000000-94338344