Honey tasting programme at the Chef workshop

2024. November 30., Saturday

On 25 November 2024, the Étrend Hungarian Culinary Association held a workshop, where the main topic was honey.

It is well known that bees play an important role in the biosphere, as many flowers or plants depend on them. During pollination, bees use pollen to pollinate flowers, thereby contributing to the productivity and genetic diversity of plants. We also know that honey is a product produced by bees, with a colour, taste and smell that is specific to certain flowers and plants.
But what does this product say to Chefs? What flavours do they taste and how would they describe them?

A Kisléptékű Termékelőállítók Országos Érdekképviselete held a Honey tasting programme. We introduced the participants to the taste characteristics of 8 types of honey: silkweed, phacelia, hawthorn, idol tree, linden, honeydew, fennel, chestnut.

Andrea Kövesd, Head of Trebag Trebag Szellemi tulajdon- és Projektmenedzser Ltd and our colleague Viktória Nagy presented the Enforce project and explained why it is worth following the results of the project. We also brought the honey cookbook from our project partners to show the Chefs. Miklós Várhelyi, master chef and professional teacher, introduced the participants to the secrets of using honey in the kitchen, e.g. fruit glazes and roasted meats can get a bright coating from honey, in addition to the fact that honey can also highlight the character of dishes with its flavour.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.